Strategic Planning and Design for Electric Bus Systems 
In this project, we will develop a framework to identify the optimal deployment strategies for electric bus system given the existing fixed-route bus network. Funded by Utah Transit Authority (UTA) and Mountain Plains Consortium.


A Mobile and Social Approach to Fostering Casual Carpooling in New Corridors

This project develops agent-based model to quantitatively assess the potential casual carpooling demand, and identify the specific locations/corridors where casual carpooling could be catalyzed. Funded by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).


UTA Paratransit Electrification 

This project will develop and demonstrate a hybrid paratransit shuttle bus with electrified accessories to improve efficiency and performance. The goal is to reduce or eliminate idling during the loading and debarking operations. Funded by Federal Transit Administration (FTA).


Hotspot and Sampling Analysis for Effective Maintenance Management and Performance Monitoring 

This project utilizes MMQA Mobile, a mobiel application developed for UDOT maintenance crew to automate the field inspection process. The research will identify defect hotspots within the network. Piggyback on another ongoing project for developing sampling standard for MMQA, the reseaerch aims at using this dataset with finer resolution to determine the location and frequency for asset sampling. Spatial optimization techniques are applied in this study. Funded by Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).


Data-Driven Freeway Performance Evaluation Framework for Project Prioritization and Decision Making 

In this project, we use data-driven solutions to analyze the reliability of freeway facilities. Particularly, the impact of nonrecurring congestion (incident and weather) are quantified through pattern matching and statistical models. The project provides linkage between performance measures and decision making by using interpretative indicators, mathematical algorithm design, and GIS-enabled method to inform decisions. Funded by Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).


First Mile Last Mile Strategies for Transit Systems

This project will develop recommendations for a comprehensive first and last mile strategy around major transit stations and fixed routes stops including existing BRT, light rail and commute rail stations within the UTA system in an effort to reduce auto usage and increase ridership as a means of improving air quality and reducing congestion. Accessibility analysis for the existing transit stations in the study will be conducted, along with the quantification of costs and ridership benefits associated with the proposed strategies.  Funded by Utah Transit Authority (UTA).


Fare Collection System for Bus Rapid Transit 

This project will evaluate and quantify the benefits of the TVM along the 35M BRT line, which is accessed extensively by BRT users on a daily basis. The most direct benefit of the TVM is the reduction in dwell times and operational delays associated with collecting a fare and resulting interaction between operators and passengers. Farebox recovery evaluates both system efficiency and productivity. Depending on the market penetration of TVM, benefits achieved with regard to farebox recovery ratio and travel time savings need to be quantified for analyzing the effectiveness of the fare system.  Funded by Utah Transit Authority (UTA).


Statistical Analysis and Sampling Standards for Maintenance Management Quality Assurance (MMQA)

This research will develop sampling standards for MMQA for effectively measure roadway conditions and return a Level of Maintenance (LOM) grade that is statistical valid at the statewide level, the regional level, and the station level. It will also develop a methodological framework for analyzing the measured samples in order to obtain the overall system conditions. Funded by Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT).


Implementation of Risk-Based Liquefaction Maps in Hazard ordinances and Risk-based Decision Making

We are developing a regional traffic evacuation model that incorporates the results of the hazard mapping and scientific/engineering concepts that enable a risk reduction framework. Funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).


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